Sydney is a city of great diversity and encourage us to spend our time exploring the famous landmarks and attractions. The harbour city and it's surrounds is home to some of the good food and wines, fashion and shopping, arts, culture and natural environments to be found anywhere in the world so, however long you stay, you are sure to find plenty to do. There's nothing quite like the first view of Sydney. It will make you double take and lose your train of thought, trailing off a sentence while reaching for camera.
#1- We decided to change the hostel due to some bad experiences. |
#2- Saw this wall painting on the way to our new hostel. Nice, right? |
#3- He pointed to the building excitedly and told me that it will be his future working place within 5 years. I hope that his dream will come true soon. God blessed! *Cross fingers* |
#4- The Street! |
#5- The classic old brick clock tower. |
#6- Which way should I go? |
#7 |
#7- While waiting for the bus to the hostel. |
#8- We are here finally! Omg! I love Glebe point so much. |
#9- Praise God for everything we have now! |
#10- Heading to the town right after we checked in to the hostel. Is this building look familiar to you? Yes.I do think that it look like Komtar Tower in Penang. |
#11- Sydney town area! |
#12- Having our American breakfast here. |
#13 |
#14- Can someone tell that what is the meaning of this fountain? |
#15- Impressed with the art work. |
#16- Been the first time I enjoyed the sunshine. |
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#18 |
#17- Performance of jazz band just right in front of the art museum. |
#18- Sydney's Marathon. |
Get Lost In The ROCKS!
Take a trip back in time. Traditionally the home of the Indigenous Cadigal people, The Rocks is where the story of modern Sydney began. Discover the city's past along historic pubs and admire some of Australia's oldest architecture.
#19 |
#20- The Rocks information centre where you can seek for up-to-date visitor information. You'll find maps of towns and local regions, details on what to see and do, including tours and local events, and tips on where to stay. |
#21 |
#21- The Rocks Discovery Museum and it is free entrance. |
#22 |
Shop 'Til You Drop
The Rocks Weekend Markets are brimming with fashion and accessories from emerging designers, plus beautifully made art, crafts and homewares. It is located at the corner of George and Playfair street and open on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm.
#23 |
#24 |
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#30 |
I'll definitely update my blog with more posts about Sydney trips if you guys would like to read more! Do comment and tell me what do you think.
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