Ripley's Believe It
or Not! Museum is a place where the collections of Robert Ripley had been
exhibited around the world. You can experience the incredible world of
Ripley and get amazed by the unique
actual items Ripley collected during his travels around the earth. Robert Ripley (1890-1949) was the first cartoonist millionaire and become known as "the Modern Marco Polo" after travelling to 201 countries. Ripley Entertainment Inc. has entertained
global visitors for more than 90 years, with over 90 excitatory attractions in
10 countries, along with best-selling
books, a network television series in more than 70 countries, and the longest
continuously published newspaper comic in history. Robert Ripley began to draw
his daily feature since 1918. Ripley's Believe It or Not! Is developed from a
cartoon to a worldwide leader in fun family attractions and entertain the
entire family.
#1- Portrait of Robert Ripley. |
#2- Mbamelke, African Bronze Jugment Chair: Many African tribal people once used "Judgement chairs" in their criminal trials. It is the chair that were believed to have the power to reveal the truth! |
#3- African Fertility Statue: It is believed that a woman will become pregnant simple by touching them. |
#4- Giant Boxing Gloves: These oversized boxing gloves are replicas of gloves worn by Muhammad Ali, the only man to ever be the world boxing champion three times! |
#5- The World's Oldest Beer: Harrods Department Store in London, England in 1996 produced 1,000 bottles of beer fermented from hops nearly 5,000 years old found in an ancient Egyptian tomb. |
#6- Prohibition Flask Camera C 1930: When alcohol was illegal in the United States in the early 1930s, would be drinkers created many ingenious ways to hide their liquor. Shown there is a genuine working camera with a lamp pose that serves as a flask! |
#7- Miniature Replica Brownie Camera: This miniature camera is measuring less 1'' square can actually take photographs! |
#8- Matchstick St. Basil Cathedral: Made by Len Hughes of Australia, this replica of St. Basil Cathedral in Moscow is made completely from common Matchstick! The original, built by German architects, has eight cupolas all of different colors. To make certain that the structure could not be duplicated, Ivan the Terrible chopped off the arms, and pull out the eyes and tongues of the architects. |
#9- Ancient Egyptian Mummified Cat: You're looking at a cat that lived in Egypt over 2,000 years ago! Mummified in bitumen resin, this cat lived a life of luxury in The Royal Temple at Bubastis, the city devoted to Bast, the Cat Goddess of pleasure, dancing and music. |
#10- The photos gallery in the Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum. |
#11- The museum had been designed with different themes. |
#12- Giant Chippendale Chair: Billed as "The World Tallest Man" Johann Petursson of Iceland became quite wealthy and liked to decorate his home with fine furniture customized to fit both, his budget and his 8'88'', 425 pound body! |
#13- Torture Chair: This is a replica of the feared seat of agony from the Royal Castle of Nuremberg. One can imagine how easy it must have been to extort confessions from naked victims who were strapped and bolted onto this excruciatingly painful chair. |
#14- Antique Child's Dentist Chair C. 1904: Built in 1904, this two-third sized dentist's chair was especially created for children. The smaller chair prevented children from escaping or moving very far, enabling the dentist to perform his tasks. |
#15- The World's Luckiest Chair: Many societies believe horseshoes are symbol of good luck and in some countries, gamblers believe touching a horseshoes will increase their chances of winning. |
#16- I took a seat in this world's luckiest chair, a chair made entirely out of lucky horseshoes in an attempt to increase my good luck. It might just off later, right? |
#17- Robert Wadlow's Shoes C. 1940: This is an actual size shoe (size 37AA) once worn by Robert Wadlow, the tallest man. |
#18- Ripley's Believe It or Not! traveling sound. |
As there are still many interesting things to share with you all about the museum, i decided to make the post into 2 parts. Stay tuned for more awesome things, ok? Enjoy reading!
To be continue..........
Best Regards,
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