Effective Planning: If you don't plan, you plan to FAIL!

Time management and Planning is a complex process.  Planning is a crucial to effective time management. Some people  seem to be  an expert but others might not. They seem to be so caught up in seemingly endless activities and deadlines. Planning holds the key to stress of too little time. It is definitely a way to scheme your future. Planning will tell you how to get, from where you are to, where you want to be and etc. It will identifies the resources required to get there and allows you to complete a project on schedule. Typically, it is either long term or short term goals that reflect your time frame. Today, I would like to share with you all several important steps that to be consider for effective planning. 

1. Locate a Good Place
Planning is all about thinking of time. You should find a place that is free from any distraction which mean that you must locate a good spot of peaceful for your reflection.  It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It just simply mean that when you're in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. Let peace inspire you.
2.Review Long- Term Objectives
It is very important for us to review our long-term objectives and we're too easy to lose sight of our core values. Daily Planning gives us the opportunities to do just that. You can ask yourself: "What can I do to bring me get closer to my GOALS?". This is to make sure that your daily task list contains a step to help you accomplish the goals.
3. Balance up the tasks and available time 
You have to make sure that the number of tasks relates to the amount of time available in your day.  You must make plan but of course do not over plan.  Of course, you need to yourself some breathing space as well.  You can make allowances for yourself and after all you need to rewarded too!  May be you can buy yourself something that you wish to have it for long time ago. You will allow  to accommodate some surprises along the way by creating space.  

4. Goal Setting
Most people tend to ignore goal setting as it requires time and effort. You need to set goals so that you can manage your time effectively. You can set specific daily goals for tasks. For examples: 30 minutes meeting with team members to review the progress of the project. Specific targets will encourage shots that have a good change of hitting something.

Prioritizing is the ability to identify appropriate value and order of events. It is very important to prioritize what need to be done first. Without prioritization,  You may work extremely hard but the at end you are unable to achieve the results that you desire. You can create a meaningful prioritized daily list to help you do that. Your prioritize list tells you which tasks you need to get done first. Remember, making a prioritized list is a waste of time if you don’t follow them.



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