Hello readers! I'm not in good mood, or may be I can say that I had been a tough weeks where I need to deal with all the tough jobs and even worst is I have to face with all those tough people. What to do? The world is so reality that we can't do anything much as the final result is defined by others. Agreed? I think I should try autohypnosis and keep telling myself that " Quitters never win and winners never quit" but will it last long?
Ok. I should stop complaining and at least I have a single tiny thing that I should feel blessed is I have a caring boyfriend *Shy shy*. When I'm moody and sick, he is always stay beside and encourage me. I know that he is also facing a lots of tension for his career but he still stay positive. And few days ago when I came back home from work, I got a surprise from him. He silently placed a small pressie on my bed without my notice. Tell you what, I don't realize about it until I finished my dinner and had my bath, lazily lay on my bed with my ipad. Then only I discovered the pressie box. I'm really woody huh. Seriously, he almost make me cry! Thanks dear for always being so sweet! (Ok, don't get goose bumps")
#1- Guess what is it? |
#2- Tadaa...It is a watch from Monfae Singapore! I know some of you may guess that I get a ring from him. Don't be disppointed, ok? Hahahaha... |
#3- It is beautifying with quality leather and gems which epitomises time with glamour and style. |
#4- Add some color to my life. When it gets dark enough, we can see the stars! | |
May be you all don't know that actually the golden dolphin can be rotated at 360 degree. He told me that this is a magic watch from him where the rotating dolphin can rotate away all my bad luck and bring good fortunes. Although it sound like fairy tales, It comfort me! No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible. I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest.
With Love,
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