Merry Christmas: The Greatest Joy!

Wait! Before you scroll down for further reading of this post, you can just play this song in order to have the Christmas mood.  I don't mind if you sing the song. "White Christmas" is definitely one of my favourite Christmas song. I'm  always wish that I will have a white Christmas since I was a kids.  Unfortunately, I'm living in Malaysia where we're never ever have the chance to experience snowing in our country.  My Christmas wish is to have a white Christmas in my dream country, London. Pray hard for that. Without talking much, here you go with the celebration of my Christmas, of course without snow. T_T

#1-  I saw this when I was on the way back from SQ. Guess where is it?

#2- The Christmas tree at Flamingo Hotel Penang.

#3- Omg! The Top part of the Christmas tree was decorated with Teddy bears. Can I have one?

#4 &5- The Lobby of Flamingo Hotel Penang.

#6- The Christmas tree at Straits Quay.

#7- The Christmas tree that made from books. Creative!
#8- The Christmas decoration at Queenbay Mall Penang.

#9- Christmas tree at the lobby of Traders Hotel.
#10- Had the buffet lunch with friends at Traders Hotel Penang.

#11- The colourful decoration at the restaurant.

#12- Dessert section at the restaurant of Traders Hotel Penang.
#13- I love sushi.

#14- Thumbs up for the dessert especially the "cendol" pudding. It's so nice.
#15- You can get the Christmas present at here.

#16- Celebration of Christmas with my beloved.
#17- Thanks for the lovely Christmas greeting card, bookmark and handmade flower.
#18- Fish & Chips: I cooked this for our Christmas meal. It looked nice and tasted good!
#19- Seriously I love the cookies. Yummy yummy!
#20- Beverly's homemade spaghetti. 

#21- Time to unwrap the present!
#22- Surprise present from someone special.

#23- Super duper love it. Thank you so much!

#24- It's so cute right? And Baby bear, please don't get drunk! Lol...

#25- Thanks Janis for the Ginger man.

#26- Cheers!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!!! 

Best Regards, 


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